Jan 24, 2015

Visit at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm - Amazing experience for adults and kids

We visited the Nobel Museum in Stockholm this weekend and can say for sure that this is one of the most 'cool' destinations for family trips in Sweden! The museum opened in 2001 for the centenary of the Nobel Prize. Since then, it has been attracting thousands of visitors per year from all over the world. It is located at the square Stortorget in Gamla Stan (The Old Town) in central Stockholm, Sweden.

The Museum is dedicated to share information on the Nobel Prize -from its founder Alfred Nobel (1833-1896)- and the Nobel Laureates from 1901 to present. The Museum introduces the visitor in the history of the breakthroughs in Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Peace, Literature and Economy during the past decades in a high-tech and, at the same time, relaxing environment. There are art and science exhibitions and films on the lifes and achievements of Nobel Laureates on an every-day basis.

For younger visitors, there are two playrooms, one with a mini theatre, costumes, doll theatre and other ideas and material for imaginative play. In the other room, one wall has box columns categorized by theme 'Medicine', 'Physics', 'Chemistry', 'Peace', 'Literature' and 'Economy' to introduce the young visitors into the world of science with interactive screens and material. There is also a huge table in the middle with colors and other art material to inspire for drawing, combining colors and shapes and other forms of creative play.

We had the most amazing experience in the Nobel Museum and we strongly recommend it for all of you who wish to learn and get inspired from age 1 to 101 years old!

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