Aug 17, 2012

Top 10 websites with play ideas/material for free - Ιδέες και υλικά για παιχνίδι χωρίς έξοδα: οι top 10 ιστοσελίδες

My top 10 list of websites where I find great ideas and material to play with my kids, all for free! Check them out, I am sure that you will find some wonderful suggestions for you and your kid as well! Το ποιοτικό παιχνίδι με το παιδί σας δεν απαιτεί να αγοράζετε το υπερσύγχρονο ηλεκτρονικό παιχνίδι ή την ταμπλέτα τελευταίας τεχνολογίας. Το μόνο που απαιτεί είναι τον χρόνο σας και μερικές έξυπνες ιδέες. Ακολουθεί μία λίστα με τις 10 αγαπημένες μου ιστοσελίδες με πρωτότυπες ιδέες και υλικά για παιχνίδι χωρίς έξοδα! Great ideas, information and inspiration to encourage you to enjoy and share art with the kids in your life Multi level, easy to follow, fun activities for young children All sorts of fun activities for kids that you can do at home Many fun, free activities for kids, including colouring pages, kids crafts, educational resources, puzzles, printables of all sorts, worksheets etc From crafts to recipes, many ideas for family fun Great suggestions for play activities, including crafts, art projects, energetic activities, and fine motor activities, to play with your kid Fun, printable children's crafts, coloring pages including projects for holidays, educational themes and some of our children's favorite cartoon characters. My favorite section: Countries and cultures  In this website, you will find fun science experiments, free activities, ideas, photos, quizzes, videos and science fair projects for kids Many great ideas for arts and crafts for you and your kid Here, you will find flashcards introducing English words, all in printable version
Important notice: The present post merely reflects my favorite websites and serves no advertising or other marketing purposes.

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